Friday 16 August 2013

14 Days. 2 weeks. 2 Friggin WEEKS!!!

It's midnight Friday, and i feel sick. Funnily enough it's not from hunger, despite my only having 3 juices in the last 2 days. It's that smell. The smell of mashed up vegetables from the juicer in the kitchen is starting to cut right through me and give me a sick feeling in my stomach every time I drink it. I didn't even finish the one I did have for lunch cause it was making my stomach turn. It's not a great sign for the coming week but I'm hoping it'll pass, especially when I'm this close!

I'm gonna go online and see what other recipes I can find which are still healthy but not green juice. Much as I'd love to just switch to fruit juices, the amount of sugar in them totally undermines the whole point of what I'm trying to achieve.

Anyway, to the positives! 2 weeks. Bloody hell. Apart from the insane loathing of the smell of mushed up vegetables, it's all positives. I've not weighed myself in the last few days but I'm hoping it's significant (I missed a bloody good party to stay in tonight, away from the temptation of beer & snacks!) Still, 7 more days and it's PARTY TIME woo hoo. Really looking forward to catching up with everyone back in the mainland (don't tell anyone over here I called it that!) It's gonna be a good weekend, so focusing on that should get me through the next 7 days!

As I said, I've only had 1 juice today. I overslept (forgot to set my alarm last night) so had to rush out without breakfast. I did have one for lunch (which I didn't finish) but I didn't get a pic as I was on the phone and had to drink & run to get back to work. It was another standard green juice though. Blagh!

I may have to treat myself to a can of Pepsi Max tomorrow, just to give my palate a bit of a shock and help get me through the last week. If I was doing a 'detox' juice it would be a no-no but my focus is only weight-loss so a drink with nil calories will be fine. That's my 14 day treat :) Anyway, I've got to go and clean the crap of the juicer without being sick. Night

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