Sunday 4 August 2013

End of Day 2

Day 2

2 days down, starting to feel the hunger more this evening. I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm actually in pain, but I'm more aware of the fact that I've not eaten now for 2 days (my stomach is reminding me with the odd rumble)

It's fair to say that it doesn't help that my room is very close to the kitchen so whenever anyone is cooking the smell drifts across, I've started having to clear the lounge of my housemates empty plates / crisp packets etc before I can sit in there. Not that they're complaining about that you understand, I hope they don't get used to it though because as soon as I'm through the first few days of this they can go back to cleaning up after themselves!

Speaking of cleaning, the constant scrubbing and re-scrubbing of the juicer is starting to grate on me a little now. Its not like I can leave it long either as mushed up fruit and vegetable are a fly's wet dream. The bloody things are everywhere! I've taken to keeping the fresh ginger in the fridge after I found a swarm of them living in a piece of it (I wondered why it smelt a bit funky)

Anyway, today lunch & tea were pretty much identical (apart from in volume) I got a bit carried away at lunchtime and ended up with over a pint of the stuff after most of a portion of celery went in one juice.
That does quickly bring me on to a couple of other things I've learned today;
1) Irish celery is like normal celery, just muddier
2) Irish cucumbers are fucking MASSIVE! After that shopping was delivered I could barely shut the fridge anyway, but every time I tried to one of those things was propping the bloody door open! I'll tag a pic on tomorrow but it's to late to go rummaging through there now just to demonstrate a point.

So, todays lunch & tea

8 Celery
1/2 (very) large cucumber
2 small apples
1/2 lemon
1 inch cube Ginger (the flyless one delivered today)

Pretty much as you would expect given the ingredients, one of the great things about celery & cucumber juice is that they don't have very strong flavours. Just pop a small amount of lemon, ginger and ice in there and it becomes a palatable cold drink without all the sugars of a fruit-based juice.

4 Celery
1/2 Cucumber
A Hand-full of Spinach
2 small apples
1/2 lemon
1 inch cube Ginger

The fact that I managed to photograph this one is a sign of progress I imagine, I tried adding some spinach for a bit of variation and although it juiced quite well considering its just leaves (compared to kale, which just produces dust) it didn't impact on the taste so will be using that a lot me from now on.

Feeling pretty groggy now and starting to get a few more hunger pangs so off to bed and then an elaborate fruit-based breakfast juice planned given its a bank holiday and I've finally got a decent amount of ingredients to experiment with. Night all!

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