Monday 12 August 2013

Day 10. A slight change of plan

It pains me to say it, but I've been forced into a slight change of plan :S

When I planned this fast for August, it was based on the premise I had nothing planned which involved going anywhere. However yesterday evening a good mate of mines 40th birthday party was sprung on me, and its in the UK in 2 weeks time. Bugger. I'm not sure Aer Lingus do fresh juices, and I'll be buggered if I'm going all the way back to Wolverhampton to catch up with old mates without having a couple of drinks.

So the new plan : 22 Day Juice fast, followed by a week on micronutrient-only food (Fruit, Veg, Nuts & Seeds) while my body re-adjusts to solid food again. Then pizza. So much pizza....

I hope this doesn't come across as a cop out in any capacity, as frankly after the day I've had today I;ve been so close to chucking the towel in on the whole thing that 22 days will still be pretty epic.

Today I've been hungry. Really hungry. Spent-most-of-my-day-at-work-thinking-about-cookies-hungry. I really need to be on my game at work for the next 2 weeks and I'm not sure I can be with this constant hunger pain digging at me.

The walk home was even worse. I visualised myself queuing in Mcdonalds for some of those mozzarella dippers. It was such a weird fantasy as my mind normally wanders into the realms of the sensational, like playing rugby for England or winning the lottery. But no, now it's something I could do. With ease, just by going into McDonalds. I know they're not even that nice but I'm going into melted cheese withdrawal. I don't think I've gone without melted cheese for 10 days as far back as I can remember (which granted would explain a lot with regards to my current state) 

But despite every once of my body (and a good part of my mind) telling me to fold I'm still persevering, down largely in part again to the support I'm getting from everyone. I'm going to do a weighing tomorrow morning and I really need it to go well so fingers crossed.

But enough whittering on, to todays juices:


Something nice & simple today:

3 Apples
2 Oranges

Tried & Tested, very nice 


4 Celery sticks
1/2 Cucumber
2 handfuls Spinach
1 Apple
1/2 lemon
1 inch cube Ginger

Again, a standard green juice so not a lot more to add on that one.


3 Apples
1/2 Cucumber
1 inch cube Ginger
2 Hand fulls Spinach

A bit cobbled together this one as it was getting late and there was something on the telly I wanted to watch. The apples didn't drown out the taste of the spinach like I hoped so it wasn't a great concoction this one. Back to the recipe website I think....

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