Sunday 4 August 2013

Day 2 - Morning

Day 2

I'm expecting a tricky day.
I'm guessing sometime today is the point at which my body will get a bit radgie with the lack of substance to my meals and start throwing a few hunger pains my way (although it's behaving itself so far)

Woke up at half 10 so another late start this morning. I'm putting it down to the juice fast as I'm confident it has nothing to do with staying up till 2 playing Skyrim.....ahem.

The shopping came today, I can say with confidence that I've never owned so many fruits and vegetables at the same time in my whole life.

One of the downsides of living in a shared house is the limited fridge space, but on the plus side all those years of playing Tetris have finally found a practical application!

Breakfast today was made up of the few things I had in the fridge while waiting for the above shopping but worked remarkably well!

2 Pears
2 Oranges
2 Carrots

Again, the pears made this really sweet so it was a good starter for the day. The only downside is that about an hour later I realised I'd ended up with a milk-style 'tash made of frothy carrots. Got Veg?

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