Saturday 3 August 2013

30 Days. No food. Just Juice.

Ok so here goes. Firstly, if I'm honest I'm not a fan of blogs and blogging. Historically if you wanted something published it had to meet a quality minimum standard (or at least not be complete bollocks) but now any old numptard can publish their nonsensical ramblings to an audience of billions online. Speaking of which...

So as the title suggests, I'm quite a big bloke, although that's not always been the case. My weight has fluctuated pretty significantly for most of my life but (as a rule) it remained reasonably under control. That was until a pretty catastrophic back injury a few years ago. For just over 13 months I could barely move, and from a combination of that inactivity and a circus freak-show amount of comfort eating I put on close to 5 stone. Not good.

Spinal surgery fixed the damage, and after 6 months of intensive physio I was finally back up and about again. Since then I've been trying to take that weight back off again, but the fear of damaging my back again combined with a love of Dominos & Playstation has kept me on the sofa.

This is a massive simplification of the past 5 years of my life, but that's not what this blog is about. Its about the juice fast I'm going on to get me back into a position where I can be active again without putting so much stain on my back and finally take this weight of for good. The juice fast idea was put to me a while ago by a friend of mine (Namecheck @ Danny Graham) who put me on to the documentary 'Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead' by Joe Cross (You can view the full movie here :

I've thought doing a juice fast a lot over the last 6 months, and found that just swapping a few meals for juices made a big difference to my energy levels and helped my weight come down. I didn't follow any recipes at first, and although I don't doubt the juices were packed full of healthy goodness, they were disgusting. I mean properly disgusting. A broccoli, kale, carrot, celery, tomato, apple and cucumber juice drink tastes as good as it sounds.

So this time I'm doing it properly. I'm using the resources and recipes on the Joe Cross ( and Jason Vale ( websites and as you may have noticed if you've read this far, I'm also writing a blog about it. I don't expect that many people, if anyone, will read this, but it's more to allow me to track my journey and also get the thoughts into some semblance of order through the next 30 days. 

The Build-up

So for the last 5 days I've been eating almost only micro-nutrient foods. Fruit, Nuts, Vegetables, Salads. But I did allow myself a final Dominos Texas BBQ pizza before I started (not conducive to the whole weight loss project I know but it was akin to visiting an old friend before you go away for a while) For the first time in my life, pizza and bacon are the enemy.

I'm going to avoid the temptation to weigh myself daily, instead opting for a weigh-in once a week.
My start-weight? 130.7kg (20 & 1/2 stone in old money)
My long-term target is to get down to 13 stone, but for this month I'm hoping for a loss of around 2 stone

Day 1
The journey begins.
Its going to take around 3 days for my body to adjust to converting the 'long term energy store' (my fat ass) into usable energy, so I've deliberately started my fast on a long weekend.

So for breakfast, fruit juice.
3 Apples, 2 Oranges and half a punnet of grapes.

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