Tuesday 6 August 2013

Day 4 - Juice Rage

So today was a bad day :(

Last night I dreamt about going to Tesco (which was unusually specific for a dream) and buying a sandwich.

I did manage to get up this morning without too much bother and I've adjusted my walk to work so I don't go past any shops or fast food places, but I spent the day quite badly craving food. And not just the usual stuff I like either, weird stuff that I've not eaten in years like fruit gums?? No idea where that one came from but still...

The worst of it though is that it appears that juicing makes me quite short tempered. I didn't really pick up on it till towards the end of the day but I've not exactly been patient with anyone today, I even managed to upset not 1 but 2 of the people I get on really well with at work in the Newcastle office (apologies on the off chance either of you are reading this!) At this rate I'm gonna be thinner but jobless.

I don't know if its a general frustration with the situation, that I don't respond well to denying myself, ifs its linked to change in my chemical balance linked to the change in diet or some other factor but I've just been really annoyed today. I've got a load of angry but nothing to direct it at which is really not like me so I'm baffled as to where it's coming from. Maybe that's why steroids share the phrase 'juicing'? Carrot rage!

If it's going to be a choice of fat and happy or thin and miserable then I may as well pack this in now because for me thats a no brainer!

Still, despite all this I'm persevering (for the time being anyway) and below are todays drinks, it's all a bit downhill after breakfast...

More experimenting
1/4 Cantaloupe Melon
1 Grapefruit
1 Small Punnet Blueberries

Quite taute compared to the rest of the fruit juices I've had so far but still good!

1 Cucumber
1 Hand full Spinach
4 Celery sticks
1/2 lemon
1 inch cube ginger

Thought I'd use a whole cucumber as it was a work day and I wouldn't be home for a while. That was a mistake though, it drowned out all the other flavours and made it a bit minging.

1/2 Cucumber
4 Sticks Celery
2 Handfuls of Spinach
1/2 lemon
1 inch cube Ginger

Not as strong a cucumber taste as lunch but still a bit heavy on the veg flavours. Really need to buy some more apples to take the edge off the bitterness in this juice, will have to see how I feel tomorrow and if I can trust myself in the shop!

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