Saturday 3 August 2013

End of Day 1

Ok, one day down and I'm still alive and not yet so crippled by hunger pain that I can't type. Had a bit of a moment around 9pm but a quick evening juice sorted that out (although I did drink it so quickly I didn't get time to take a photo!)

1 apple
3 oranges
1/2 punnet of grapes
2 pears

Again, very nice but then thats to be expected with all fruit. Over the course of the month I'm only planning to have fruit-based juices at the start of the day but I've got some grapes / pears that I've had for a few days that need using up (I'm trying to lose weight but I'm still just as cheap as before, I'm not throwing away perfectly useable fruit because I can't find a recipe for it!) I'm going to experiment a fair bit with different concoctions but I don't think carrot & pear will work. Only 1 way to find out but the last time I took that attitude I made a leek-based juice which nearly made me throw up the second it hit the back of my throat (up to this point its still the only juice I've thrown away!)

Still feeling pretty good, at 11pm I was bouncing about my room putting clothes away, heedbanging and singing along to some old-school Aerosmith (sugar rush from the above juice I think) so I'm getting some energy from somewhere!

Got quite tired this afternoon but not so bad that I felt the need to take a nap (wanted to stay awake & keep an eye on the Leicester game. Worth it to, started the season with a good away win at 'Borogh. COYB!!)

Going to order a few bits from tesco for delivery then off to sleep. Its only about a 15 min walk from there to here but I don't trust myself to go into the shop and not come out with a pile of pizzas and biscuits as yet.

Heres to an equally successful day tomorrow!

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