Saturday 3 August 2013

Right, lunchtime.
It'll come as little surprise at this point that I'm starting to crave a sandwich. Its very early days yet, and I'm well aware it's going to get tougher but I have already learned an important lesson;

Don't put your juicer in the dishwasher anytime before you're likely to need it.

I started getting peckish around 5 this afternoon (I got up pretty late today so 'Breakfast' was at about noon) but all the juicer parts were mid-rinse in the washer. 1st World problems. Tested the resolve very slightly waiting for it to finish but once it did, lunch.

1 Apple
1 Cucumber
1/2 bunch of Celery
2 Large Carrots
1/4 Lemon
1 inch cube of ginger

Slightly experimental one this, but modeled closely on the 'Mean Green Juice' used by Joe Cross in  except that I've swapped added carrots and taken out kale because it is FECKING IMPOSSIBLE TO JUICE!! I've found from experience that a whole bag of kale produces less than a thimbleful of juice so regardless of how good it is for you, its out and carrots are in

Anyway, lunchtime juice is also good, the addition of the lemon & ginger makes a massive difference in veg juices so I'm going to stay well stocked on them!

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