Tuesday 20 August 2013

Days 17 & 18. So very close...

Days 17 & 18

Apologies for the delayed posts, it's all been a bit hectic between work / juicing / living with a fecking PSYCHO (but thats another story)

So again, the last few days have been pretty straightforward, not many cravings and I've been going without the evening juices (I'm just about forcing down the green juice at lunchtime but 2 in a day is likely to make me fell ill again) I did go with a carrot, apple & ginger yesterday to mix it up a bit and that was really nice (as usual) and added an extra apple to the juice this afternoon to take the edge of a bit.

Although there's been no huge cravings, I did zone out a bit the other day thinking about the steak sandwich I'm going to make myself in a week and a half (fresh-cut crusty bread, med-rare steak,  melted extra-mature cheddar and Jack Daniels BBQ sauce) Win

I'm going to weigh myself again tomorrow morning, I reckon I'll have lost another kg or so but as I've already reached the target I set myself at the start (2 stone) anything after this is a bonus.

My thoughts have been turning to what I'm going to do at the end of these 4 weeks and how I'm going to carry this on. There's no denying I'm going to have a  spike of a few pounds for a few days at the end of this (I'm well prepared for that) but after that, how to carry this on?

The level of commitment I've managed to apply to this, sticking to a normal diet & hitting the gym a few times a week will be a doddle compared to this!

So the juices. I've already covered yesterday (Fruit for breakfast, Carrot apple & ginger for lunch)

Today, Breakfast

3 Apples
1 Grapefruit

Really good. As always


3 Celery
1/2 Cucumber
2 apples
1 inch cube Ginger
1/2 lemon

Minging, as usual. Roll on Friday!

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