Monday 5 August 2013

Day 3 - Morning

Well it's taken a few days, but my body finally decided to give me something a little more than a nudge towards putting some food in me last night.

I woke up at about half 1 with a mild stomach cramp and a rumbling which would historically have had me reaching for the laptop to order a late-night pizza feast! However I persevered (helped largely by the fact that I was bloody knackered and just wanted to go back to sleep) and when I woke up today I was fine. Better than fine even, once I got up I didn't feel the need to grab a juice first thing. I had a cup of green tea then decided to make some breakfast a few hours later, by which time it was nearly noon! I'm not looking forward to getting up at a normal time for work tomorrow, when the alarm went off this morning (because I'm a numptard and forgot to turn it off for the bank holiday) I was absolutely shattered!

More ingredient experimenting this morning and I've learned a few more lessons worth remembering :
1) Kiwis are a pain the the arse to peel.
2) Trying to juice a passion fruit is a futile gesture.
I was going to just throw the whole kiwi in but the sieve wouldn't catch the hairs from the skin.
Hairy juice? I'll pass on that one thanks
As for the passion fruit, much as I love the flavour I've never bought them just as fruit so had no idea how little fruit there actually is. I'll pass on them next time.
Still, despite these minor setbacks it was a nice juice :

3 Oranges
4 Kiwis
2 Passion Fruit

You're always safe with Orange juice and the kiwi gave it a bit more bite as well as thickening it up nicely.
Now to clean that bloody juicer again...

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