Sunday 18 August 2013

Days 15 & 16 - Green-tea-tastic

I've pulled these two days together as frankly, they have been pretty uneventful.

Major event for the weekend? Saturday morning weigh-in:

117.6kg - 18.5stone

Another big loss, I'm guessing this has a fair bit to do with the drop in calorie intake from avoiding any veg juice. I'm still sickened by the smell of it (although I suspect that the suspect smell in the fridge was due to some broccoli which wasn't mine turning a bit brown) Thats in the bin now and the fridge is back to normal, but despite only taking in one juice in the last two days I'm feeling fine (I'm going to grab some vitamin tablets on the way home tomorrow just to keep myself ticking over, I suspect I'm not getting everything I need from green tea!)

I'm aware that only 1 juice sounds like too little, but I didn't wake up till gone 1pm Saturday. Shocking I know but for some reason I really struggled to sleep Friday night & didn't get to sleep till gone 5am. I ended up getting up at 3 (after 2 & 1/2 hours trying to drift off) and sticking the ps3 on till I was ready to pass out!

The Saturday afternoon breakfast fruit juice really got me through the day, some experimenting again but it worked out well this time (I'll come to that in a bit)

Sunday was slightly different. I was up early as I was on call for work all day but as I had to stay in the house (near the laptop incase I had to remote in for anything) I was relaxing and again, sustained on green tea. By the time I thought about having something it was past 8pm and I;m going to bed soon so theres no point! More green tea & water then.

I know that the forums & things state that it takes 3-5 days for your body to adapt but given how little I've felt hungry over the last 5 days I'd say that 10-12 is a closer approximation. It's almost too easy at the minute, so long as I drink plenty of water there's no cravings & no desire for melted cheese (although that's not going to stop me having some once this is over!)

I'm sure that keeping myself distracted is the key at the minute, focusing on Ditch's party and then deciding what to do with myself for a holiday after that. I'm toying with the idea of a mini-tour through the UK to Krakow to Bulgaria and back via London. Or Vegas (but I might put that off to the end of January when the Vegas 7's is on. A week in the States now would almost certainly have me back at my start weight!) 

So my one super-sustaining juice of the weekend :

1/4 Honeydew Melon
3 Kiwis
1 Grapefruit

A slightly odd colour, but nice, and bizarrely tasted a bit like banana (???)

This will be my breakfast on Monday also (as I need to use these fruits up!)

So into the final week, 5 days to go and then PARTY!!!! Woo Hoo! Bring it on :)

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