Thursday 15 August 2013

Day 13 - Easy life

Weighed myself again today (Its becoming a bit of an every 2 days habit now)


More wins. So a total of 10kg / 22.2lbs lost so far and into single figures for the number of days left (woo hoo)

Another relatively easy day if I'm honest. Felt a bit ropey mid afternoon but that soon passed and ended up just having a large cup of green tea for tea rather than a juice so just the two today (plus so sick of green juice I'm avoiding drinking it where I can!)

Its a bit late tonight so I'll keep it short (plus I can't find the cable to upload the pics)

Breakfast :

2 Apples
1 Orange
1 Grapefruit

Really nice, as usual.


4 Celery
1/2 Cucumber
1 Apple
1/2 Lemon
1 inch cube Ginger

Bit minging, as usual

Tomorrows will be more interesting I promise! Night

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