Tuesday 13 August 2013

Day 11 - The Halfway Stage!!

Day 11

After yesterday, I was in major need of a serious boost. So I weighed myself.

122.3kg. 19.5stone


Not exactly jumping for joy as I've not got the energy for that, but it did give me the motivation I needed to crack on.

Todays been an odd day, not racked with hunger in the same way I was yesterday but still getting bad cravings for melted cheese. Weirdly enough I think my body started haggling towards the end of the day as the cravings switched to wotsits 'ok, no real cheese then. Fine, fake cheese? Can I have some fake cheese then....' They've gone on the list.

Feeling a little better today, not least given that everything from here is downhill! Everything from today onwards is closer to the end than the beginning, which I'm hoping will make the run in a little easier than the last 11 days have been. I'll find out soon enough no doubt.

What's also helped is I'm actually starting to notice the weight loss myself. Clothes are fitting better, theres a few shirts which didn't use to fit which do now and when I was getting my haircut earlier I wasn't embarrassed by my own reflection. I'm slowly starting to recognise the face in the mirror again.

So to todays juices :


Nice straightforward one

3 Apples
2 Oranges

Very nice.


4 Celery
1/2 Cucumber
1 Apple
1/2 lemon
1 inch cube ginger

Bloody veg juice again. Getting sick of this stuff but its only a few more days


4 Celery
1/2 Cucumber
2 Apples
1/2 lemon
1 inch cube ginger

So bored of veg juice. Back to experimenting!!

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