Thursday 8 August 2013

Day 6 - The veg's revenge!

Ok, so after yesterdays dizzying highs, it's back to reality today and starting the day exhausted again (although it would have helped if I'd been in bed before midnight instead of up listening to old-school Feeder cause I was buzzing from the weight loss)

Still feeling motivated, more experimenting with the morning juice which was really nice but a bit short on portions which I think links in to my being so hungry for the rest of today.

This morning wasn't too bad but after midday-ish I got really hungry and it's not really gone away all day which is kind of annoying. Not nearly as annoying as the veg revenge which has plagued me this evening though. So one of the major issues with this process has revealed itself to me out of nowhere, I'm going to call it 'digestive unpredictability' which I suspect has been brought on by the inclusion of a large amount of broccoli stalks in my evening juice. Research on the forums suggest it should pass pretty quickly but if it doesn't then I may have to pull the plug on this whole process :( My work are very understanding with all matters health, they have made major adjustments to accommodate my back and the fact that I rock up to work sweating buckets after the walk in and in shorts. However, soiling myself at my desk my be pushing my luck a bit. I made it in time this evening but if I was on a call at work I don't suspect I would have been so lucky. Mild, fruit based juices and lay off the green tea tomorrow I think.

Also, a couple of the guys were over from London and were all off for a drink after work. I really, really wanted to go but I know if I went anywhere near a pint then its straight to being sprawled out on the floor  at 3am surrounded by piles of empty pizza boxes. Must. Stay. Focused. 


1/4 Melon
2 Apples
4 Kiwis

Really nice, not too sweet or as taught as the last few breakfasts. Just not enough of it so more fruit in that one next time.

4 Celery
1/2 Cucumber
2 Apples
1/2 Lemon
1 Inch Cube Ginger

Really nice. The apples gave it a sweetness which really took the edge of the veg but made me slightly conscious of the amount of fruit I'd put in for what should have been a veg juice. Its sounds ridiculous I know but after all that I've put myself through to get this far I don't want to cock it up by o/d-ing on fruit juices.

4 Celery
2 Apples
Large Broccoli Stalk
1/2 Lemon
1 Inch cube Ginger

So I decided that I'd mix it up a bit and swap the cucumber for broccoli stalks. Mistake. It wasn't till after the 'incident' that I checked out the forums and found out to avoid broccoli. Noted. So very noted.

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