Monday 5 August 2013

End of Day 3

End of the 3rd day and still going strong (ish)

10% of the way through already, this should be a breeze. A few hunger pangs again through the day but nothing major, until this evening anyway.

Katie & Jordan have spent the evening baking which has been the first major test of my resolve, a tray of epic chocolate cupcakes which smelt AWESOME!

I've managed to resist these so everything else after this should be a breeze! I just sat chain drinking green tea with cranberries to cope with the sweetness craving.

Tomorrow's going to be a struggle, back into the real world and having to go through a normal working day, will be interesting trying to deal with the lack of coffee but I suspect it will be so busy for the next few days I'll be distracted. Thankfully I'm within walking distance from work so will be nipping back each day for lunch, and I'm adjusting the way I walk so I'm not going past any fast food places or shops on the way back.

I'll be getting up early so I've got time to clean the juicer before I leave in the morning, given I've been sleeping till gone 10 every day since I started this the early start is going to be a shock to the system!

Anyway, todays juices :

4 Celery
1/2 Cucumber
2 Handfuls of Spinach
2 small Apples
1/2 Lemon
1 inch Square Ginger

Another classic green juice concoction based on the mean green juice, ok but if I'm honest I prefer the fruit based juices. Thats not a shock really given they're much sweeter and easier on the palate, but given all the sugars I'll need to be keeping them to a minimum.

Tea :
3 Oranges
3 Small Apples
4 Carrots

Again, very simple and nice and sweet. I'll need to be careful if I have this again in the future though as again it gave me a carrot tash which I didn't notice, will need to keep an eye on those (I'll drop a photo on if it happens again....)

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