Wednesday 7 August 2013

Day 5 - PROGRESS!!

Ok, so it's fair to say that yesterday's entry reflected a bad day. Off the back of that I was in bed by 9, put in a mighty amount of sleep and it properly paid off as today was a big win :)

I really needed a bit of a boost off the back of yesterday so I stumbled groggily into the bathroom and did something I had been avoiding for the last 5 day - I weighed myself.

127.4kg, a loss of half a stone which puts me within a whisker of my first major milestone.

Now, for the non terminally-overweight amongst you, getting under 20 stone may not seem like a milestone but please indulge me and let me give it some context. I've not been below (or frankly, even close to) 20 stone since well before the spinal surgery, and this always used to be my warning weight at which point I would take action and get my weight back under control when it was running away a bit. That was until I was incapacitated for over 12 months and put on a great deal of weight due to a combination of epic comfort eating (I single-handedly kept a few of the takeaways in Wolverhampton afloat around then) and a level of activity that would make a slough blush. +5 stone for Nazrill.

Since the surgery to correct it I've been slowly working on getting back down from the 23 stone 'easily the worst shape of my life' to 'still in bad shape but at a level that I've previously managed to deal with' so this really is a huge step. All my weight targets feel achievable again! 18 stone? Easy. 15? Give it another year and yeah I reckon so. I've done it before so I can do it again, I'm back into the realms of achievable rather than fanciful or delusional!

Funnily enough a lot of this has only really dawned on me as I've been writing this, but finally hitting that mark put me in a great mood this morning and I've been bouncing all day. Spoke to the guys at work I was worried I'd upset yesterday and got everything straightened out, tore through a lot of my workload and a really enjoyed the walks to and from work (the sun was out as well which helped!) Good day.

So I attacked the juices today with a renewed vigor, more experimenting for breakfast:

2 Kiwis
1/4 melon
1 Grapefruit
1 Small punnet Blueberries

I was hoping the Kiwi would make it slightly sweeter that yesterday but their main impact was to make me slighter later than usual setting off for work (However thanks Auntie Pat for the kiwi-peeling tip on Facebook, if I never peel another kiwi again it will be to soon!)

4 Celery
1/2 cucumber
1 Lemon
1 & 1/2 inch square Ginger

So I upped the lemon & ginger content on this one to try and compensate for the lack of an apple to take the edge off the 'vegtableiness' of the juice but it didn't really work. I couldn't taste any ginger in the drink but it did give an aftertaste, which was weird.

So before tea, another major milestone. Navigating the shops. I needed some apples as the extra other stuff at lunch didn't help, and I'd run out of ginger as well so couldn#t put if off any longer.
I came through remarkable unscathed in the end. I did find myself gravitating towards the frozen pizza section for a second after I'd switched off while looking at the dvds, and actually did the whole 'snap out of it' head shake thing that people who have been hypnotised in films do when they wake up. I am now the nutcase in the supermarket! Bought a couple of cucumbers as well but they didn't fit in my canvas man-bag so stuck out of the top (for the non-Irish among you, carrier bags over here cost 22c. 22C!! So everyone just takes their own bag)  I got some suspicious looks on the way home for that one "What does he need 2 cucumbers for? Unless...." 

Anyway, Tea
4 Celery
1/2 Cucumber
1 Apple
1/2 lemon
1 Inch cube Ginger

Thats better! The difference that one apple makes is huge so it's back to a neutral flavour which is much more manageable than the 'greens' heavy alternative. Just time for a cup or green tea then off to bed, can't let the sloths have it all to themselves :) NN all!

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