Sunday 11 August 2013

Days 8 & 9. A game of Two Halves

Two, very conflicting, days this weekend.

After the pretty long-winded entry on Saturday, my shopping for the week got delivered and I tried a juice I'd really been looking forward to making : Strawberry, Blueberry & Melon. In my head I was sure this would be really nice, but in reality it was closer to 'ok'. Maybe I'd overhyped it in my own head as strawberries (given how bloody expensive they are) was always going to be a treat rather than a staple this month. Still, I wouldn't go so far as not nice, just not as nice as I'd hoped. The odd thing was that I had it as I wanted to and because it was already afternoon, rather than because I was hungry. What's odder, I didn't want anything else for the rest of the day, I didn't get hungry once so didn't have any other juices that day. Maybe my body is learning to cope and better use the resources available, or maybe its because that was so bloody thick as a juice that I had to force most of it through the sieve. Either way, no other juices Saturday, just water and a few cups of green tea. 

1 punnet Strawberries
1 small punnet Blueberries
1/2 Honeydew Melon

As an added bonus, Saturday I wore a shirt that I actually bought online to take on holiday last year but sadly at the time it didn't fit. I kept it because I liked it, and now it fits, woo hoo!!

So after all good things Saturday, to Sunday. Started off innocuously enough. I was on call at work so up a little earlier than I'd like on a Sunday but otherwise fine. and again I had breakfast as an obligation rather than a need. But then mid afternoon hunger struck. And it didn't go away, even after a green juice. Maybe the Saturday missed meals caught up with me, maybe it's because a big Sunday lunch is one of my favorite meals, but whatever the reason, this afternoon and evening have been a struggle. The '31st August' shopping list got a whole lot longer today (the the way, if anyone has a recipe for mozzarella sticks I'd be grateful! Dominos don't do them over here and I've tried the McDonalds ones prior to this fast - not a fan)

It was made that much harder by Paul getting a takeaway in this evening. Not that I'd begrudge him that (especially with the studying) This is my cross to bare and I'm not expecting anyone around me to change my eating habits, but the smell from that really didn't help. Still, back to the motivators below and I'm still on track for the time being. 

So Sundays juices.
Anther failed experiment for breakfast which on paper should be nice.

2 Grapefruits
1 Orange
2 Kiwi

Too many grapefruits on this one, so very bitter!! After all the sweetness for breakfast of the last week it did make a change, but I may as well have just juiced a pile of lemons. Needs work that one.

So for afternoon / evening (again only 1 juice as felt ok around lunch, it was later the cravings hit) a tried and trusted green juice

4 celery
1/2 cucumber
2 handfuls Spinach
1/2 lemon
1 inch cube ginger

Very standard green juice, the extra spinach didn't really effect the taste but it was a bit darker than usual.

So that was my weekend, back to the grind tomorrow so off for an early night now. Night!

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